Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Education of Peace

Yoga is a path of resolving inner conflicts and bringing about the inner peace that can sustain a social peace. This is a wonderful concept and our generation has to work hard to bring this into the society. One first important step is to offer Yoga concepts to the teachers. An introduction to teachers is presented in The Education of Peace, and covers ten areas:

1. The role of Consciousness in the development of the Mind
2. The curriculum has to be ideal based to give it meaning
3. Values are at the core of the curriculum.
4. Bio-pyschology and Yoga offer the balance necessary for a peaceful body and mind
5. Quiet Time Exercises help develop intelligence and resolve inner conflicts
6. Intelligence develops through dialogue and introversion
7. How to work with different personalities in the classroom
8. Universalism is the foundation for a holistic social vision
9. Arts training as part of the academic curriculum
10. The role of the Teacher and Peace Circles.

If you would like to read the the manuscript with more details or attend a training on the Education of peace, please contact Yoga in schools, Taichung.

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