Sunday, December 14, 2008

Junior High School Yoga workshop - Taipei

On December 20th we will conduct a Yoga workshop for Junior High School Students as part of their Leadership Training Course. The program will include an introduction to Yoga and how it can bring Peace to one's individual life, as well as the role of Yoga in transforming society.

The main purpose is to give the students a vision that may inspire them to look for meaning in life, and use personal transformation as the basis for social change.

Shrii P.R. Sarkar explained in his writings that if around the age of twelve the pituitary plexus becomes more active. If at that age one can receive spiritual training, and learns to direct the mind, then their whole life will be successful. The leadership training course is an important part of our Yoga in Schools future activities!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Youth have a lot to gain from yoga
Yoga Schools